Tyler KaraszewskiBoat

The Once-Over

So it had been raining, and I wanted to make sure that the boat wasn't filling up with water while it sat there. I went down to the marina and had a look around. There was a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the boat, but nothing to worry about. Since it was actually sunny while I was there, I decided to look the boat over a bit while I was there, as last time, when I decided to get it, I hadn't really done a very careful job.

The interior wasn't as bad as I remembered it. I thought it was totally stripped bare and just white fiberglass. It largely is like that, but mostly that's because it was a pretty spartan interior in the first place. Except for the hack-job of an electrical panel, it's mostly just missing cushions and filled with a bunch of junk.

I also thought I'd see how much of the brown-ness of the hull was baked in, and how much of it was just dust on top of the gelcoat. Someone had conveiniently left a plastic scrub brush in the cabin, so I just dipped that in the water, picked a part of the boat, and gave it a 3-minute scrub. I mean, it's still far from perfect, but you can definitely see a difference where I've just spent a couple minutes on it.

The worst parts on the boat are the areas around the winch islands. The gelcoat is badly cracked, and the underlying fiberglass is even exposed a bit in spots. I'll have to sand this smooth, fill it in, and paint over it.

Still, for a free boat, you could definitely do a lot worse. Use this pic to compare later when I've got some more work done. (Can you see where I did a bit of scrubbing on the bow, too?)

There were plenty of other problems too, but I don't need to detail them all right now. Each one will get before and after pictures once I get around to working on it. First things first - I've got to get the boat registered so that I can prove it actually belongs to me, then I've got to pull it out of the water and make sure the hull is sound, and get it painted.


  1. 2013-08-02 A Few Years Later
  2. 2009-12-20 Final Update
  3. 2009-08-21 Summer Update
  4. 2009-05-06 April Update
  5. 2009-03-30 March Update
  6. 2008-12-30 Prepping for the New Rigging
  7. 2008-12-18 Taking Down the Mast
  8. 2008-12-01 Small Project Update
  9. 2008-11-19 Back in the Water
  10. 2008-11-18 Ready to Go Back in the Water
  11. 2008-11-12 Haul-Out
  12. 2008-11-10 The Boat's First Outing
  13. 2008-11-07 It Runs!
  14. 2008-11-02 The Once-Over