Tyler Karaszewski

About Me


I'm a software engineer by trade, currently at Expensify. I previously worked at Apple, Evernote, and Akamai. My field of expertise is centered around the web: web servers, HTTP clients, web applications, etc. Lately, I've been writing database servers in C++. I started writing software for the web in the form of some small perl CGI scripts when I was about 15, which means I've been doing this for over 20 years now.


I was born in 1981 (which makes me 37). I grew up in Santa Cruz County, California. I moved to Sacramento to attend college at CSU Sacramento. After a few years, I moved to San Francisco for the big city life, as well as the fact that it's the epicenter of the software industry. I moved back to Santa Cruz for a few years after that and relocated to Hood River, Oregon in 2016. I live with my wife and two daughters and our small dog. For hobbies, I kitesurf, sail, cycle, and various other things.


This page was last updated 2018-05-30. If that date seems a long time ago, this page may be out of date.

My Photo

Just because I find these fun on other people's websites.